Saturday, February 7, 2009

Flights and such things

Well, this is my first travel blog so don't expect wonders...

Monday 2/2- Tuesday 2/3: The flight from JFK left close to on-time and even got to London early, but stupid Gatwick was temporarily shut down due to the snow, so we had to circle for close to an hour. When we finally landed the gate thing had to be inspected first for ice or something, so we ended up being 45 late getting off the plane. From there it was a mad dash through customs and getting my bag so that I could get to the south terminal for my Copenhagen flight. Even though I checked in 50 min before the flight, I had to wait in line for security for ages. Finally I had to ask to cut ahead of people since the workers didn't seem to care that my flight was already boarding. In the end, it didn't matter because the plane was delayed by the same gate safety people. I finally saw the snow- only a dusting to an inch! They weren't even plowing, only brushing it away. There was certainly not 12" on the ground, maybe two or three on the grassy surfaces. Stupid England can't even cope with a tiny bit of snow. Anyway, I got to Copenhagen airport and managed to get a sandwich and drink at Starbucks for something like 12 dollars. The train into the city was easy enough and was the same price as Starbucks.

1 comment:

  1. Nicholas - Can't tell you how much I'm enjoying your travel blog -- anecdotal comments are priceless. The pictures are breathtaking and tell the story of your marvelous adventure. All in all, a splendid commentary and a treasure for all time. Love, Michele
